Ian Hoppe

PhD candidate
School of Biological Sciences
Monash University
: https://irhoppe.github.io/


M.Sc., 2021. University of Nebraska–Lincoln. Lincoln, NE.
B.Sc., 2014. University of Nebraska–Lincoln. Lincoln, NE.


ornithology quantitative ecology animal behaviour wildlife epidemiology conservation Bayesian statistics natural history cartography data visualisation cruciverbalism


R programming language Stan modeling language



LN Vander Meiden, IR Hoppe, D Shizuka, & AE Johnson (2024) Behavioural plasticity shapes participation in a mixed-species flocking community of birds. Animal Behaviour 217:1–11. 10.1016/j.anbehav.2024.08.018

AE Johnson, JF Welklin, IR Hoppe, & D Shizuka (2023) Ecogeography of group size suggests differences in drivers of sociality among cooperatively breeding fairywrens. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 290:20222397. 10.1098/rspb.2022.2397

IR Hoppe, AE Johnson, & E VanWormer (2022) Haemosporidian parasite diversity in an under-surveyed Australian avifauna. Emu 122:186–192. 10.1080/01584197.2022.2105722

JA Jones, KJ Odom, IR Hoppe, D Nason, S Ketaloya, & J Karubian (2021) Correlated evolution of distinct signals associated with increased social selection in female white-shouldered fairywrens. Ecology and Evolution 11:17352–17363. 10.1002/ece3.8370

IR Hoppe, J Olney Harrison, EJ Raynor IV, M Bomberger Brown, LA Powell, & AJ Tyre (2019) Temperature, wind, vegetation, and roads influence incubation patterns of greater prairie-chickens (Tympanuchus cupido pinnatus) in the Nebraska Sandhills, USA. Canadian Journal of Zoology 97:91–99. 10.1139/cjz-2018-0130

Conference presentations *Presenting author

AE Johnson, JF Welklin, IR Hoppe*, & D Shizuka (2023) Harnessing intra- and interspecific variation in group size to elucidate ecological correlates of cooperative breeding. Australasian Ornithological Conference, Brisbane, Australia.

IR Hoppe*, N Teunissen, ML Hall, & A Peters (2023) Social and ecological predictors of nest survival in a tropical riparian songbird. Australasian Ornithological Conference, Brisbane, Australia.

AE Johnson*, JF Welklin, IR Hoppe, & D Shizuka (2021) Slight differences, dramatic consequences: contrasting patterns of sociality along an environmental gradient in two cooperatively breeding species. American Ornithological Society Annual Meeting, Virtual event.


IR Hoppe* & AE Johnson (2019) Nest survival in the cooperatively-breeding purple-backed fairywren. American Ornithological Society Annual Meeting, Anchorage, AK.

IR Hoppe, J Olney Harrison, EJ Raynor IV, M Bomberger Brown*, LA Powell, & AJ Tyre (2018) Time and environment influence incubation by greater prairie-chickens in the Nebraska Sandhills, USA. International Ornithological Congress, Vancouver, Canada.

IR Hoppe* & LA Powell (2013) Evaluating asymmetry in a Sandhills population of western painted turtles. Nebraska Natural Legacy Conference, Nebraska City, NE.

Public talks

IR Hoppe. 2015. Report on ornithological field research at Brookfield Conservation Park. Wahoo Bird Club, Wahoo, NE.


Research appointments

Graduate research assistant. 1/2019–8/2021. Social and ecological correlates of avian infection by haemosporidian blood parasites. School of Natural Resources, University of Nebraska–Lincoln.

Research assistant. 11/2015–8/2018. Various projects in OneHealth and wildlife disease ecology. School of Natural Resources, University of Nebraska–Lincoln.

Research associate. 12/2016–3/2017. Nest attendance by greater prairie-chickens in the Nebraska Sandhills. School of Natural Resources, University of Nebraska–Lincoln.

Research assistant. 2–5/2015. Visualizing large-scale avian movements using polarimetric radar and citizen science reporting. Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, University of Nebraska–Lincoln.

Undergraduate researcher. 6/2013–5/2014. Effects of wind turbine operation on vocal communication in the greater prairie-chicken. School of Natural Resources, University of Nebraska–Lincoln.

Undergraduate researcher. 6/2012–5/2013. Morphological asymmetry in a population of painted turtles in the Nebraska Sandhills. School of Natural Resources, University of Nebraska–Lincoln.

NSF REU student. 6–8/2011. Spectral characteristics of vocalizations by captive tigers. Boys Town National Research Hospital.

Teaching experience

Biology of Australian Vertebrates. Semester 2 2024. Teaching/Lab assistant. School of Biological Sciences, Monash University.
Biology of Australian Vertebrates. Semester 2 2023. Teaching/Lab assistant. School of Biological Sciences, Monash University.
Biology of Australian Vertebrates. Semester 2 2022. Teaching/Lab assistant. School of Biological Sciences, Monash University.
Mammalogy. Fall 2016. Teaching/Lab assistant. School of Biological Sciences, University of Nebraska–Lincoln.
Wildlife management techniques. Fall break 2016. Teaching assistant. School of Natural Resources, University of Nebraska–Lincoln.
Vertebrate zoology. Spring 2016. Teaching/Lab assistant. School of Biological Sciences, University of Nebraska–Lincoln.
Wildlife management techniques. Fall break 2013. Teaching assistant. School of Natural Resources, University of Nebraska–Lincoln.

Field experience

Bass Strait, Victoria, Australia. 2024. Pelagic bird survey.
Central Kimberley, Western Australia, Australia. 2024. Mist netting, banding, nest searching, and behavioural observations.
Murray Mallee, South Australia, Australia. 2023. Mist netting, banding, and behavioural observations.
Central Kimberley, Western Australia, Australia. 2023. Mist netting, banding, nest searching and behavioural observations.
Central Kimberley, Western Australia, Australia. 2022. Mist netting, banding, nest searching and behavioural observations.
West Wimmera, Victoria, Australia. 2022. Avian point counts.
Lower Platte River Valley, Nebraska, USA. 2021. Nest searching and monitoring; ecological surveys.
Murray Mallee, South Australia, Australia. 2019. Mist netting, banding, and behavioural observations.
Murray Mallee, South Australia, Australia. 2018. Nest searching, mist netting, banding, and behavioural observations.
Southern Lowlands, Western Province, Papua New Guinea. 2018. Mist netting, banding, and behavioural observations.
North Coast, Milne Bay Province, Papua New Guinea. 2018. Mist netting, banding, and behavioural observations
Murray Mallee, South Australia, Australia. 2017. Nest searching, mist netting, banding, and behavioural observations.
North Coast, Milne Bay Province, Papua New Guinea. 2017. Mist netting, banding, and behavioural observations.
Southern Lowlands, Western Province, Papua New Guinea. 2017. Mist netting, banding, and behavioural observations.
E Nebraska, USA. 2016. Bat netting.
E Nebraska, USA. 2016. Small mammal trapping.
Murray Mallee, South Australia, Australia. 2014. Nest searching, mist netting, banding, and behavioural observations.
Lower Platte River Valley, Nebraska, USA. 2013. Nest searching and monitoring; avian capture and banding.
Lower Platte River Valley, Nebraska, USA. 2012. Nest searching and monitoring; avian capture and banding.


Grants & Awards

Holsworth Wildlife Research Fellowship. 2024. AU $8,480.
Holsworth Wildlife Research Fellowship. 2023. AU $6,000.
Wildlife Health and Disease Grant Challenge. 2019. US $6,051.
American Ornithological Society Student Travel Award. 2019. US $580.
UNL Undergraduate Creative Activities and Research Experiences. 2013. US $2,000.
Wendell F. and Marie L. Cox Memorial Fund Scholarship. 2013. US $619.
UNL Undergraduate Creative Activities and Research Experiences. 2012. US $2,000.
Albert C. and Katherine Wehr Memorial Fund Scholarship. 2012. US $1,243.
David and Annie Larrick Student Support Fund Scholarship. 2011. US $1,000.
David and Annie Larrick Student Support Fund Scholarship. 2010. US $1,000.
Jerome and Ruth Wood Memorial Fund Scholarship. 2009.
UNL-SNR Wildwood Trust Fund Scholarship. 2009–2013. US $5,000.
UNL Honors Textbook Scholarship. 2009–2013. US $2,000.
UNL National Merit Scholarship. 2009–2013. US $8,000.
National Merit Scholarship. 2009–2013.


Chancellor’s Scholar, University of Nebraska–Lincoln. 2014.
Arthur von Bergen Memorial Award, Gamma Sigma Delta (Nebraska Chapter). 2014.
National Merit Scholar. 2009.


Licenses and certifications

A-Class Banding Authority, Australian Bird and Bat Banding Scheme (issued May 2022)
Operation and Recovery of 4WD Vehicles (FWPCOT3259, FWPFGM3215, FWPCOT3260; issued Nov 2022)
Wilderness First Aid (SISS00126; issued Oct 2023)
Basic First Aid (HLTAID011; issued Jul 2022)

Professional service

Editorial assistant. 2013–2017. Wilson Journal of Ornithology.
Peer reviewer for Australian Field Ornithology, Behavioral Ecology, Wilson Journal of Ornithology.

Press coverage

Australian Geographic, 2023. Endangered fairy-wrens survive Kimberley floods

Volunteer experience

Bird bander. 2019–2021. D Shizuka/School of Biological Sciences, UNL, Lincoln, NE.
MAPS banding assistant. 2015–2019. R Schmid/Fontenelle Forest Nature Association, Omaha, NE.
Shiny app developer. 2016. AJ Tyre/School of Natural Resources, UNL, Lincoln, NE.
Collections assistant. 2012–2015. PW Freeman & TE Labedz/University of Nebraska State Museum, Lincoln, NE.


BioBlitz volunteer. 2019. Kimmel Orchard/University of Nebraska Extension, Nebraska City, NE.
Banding assistant. 2015–2019. Fontenelle Forest Nature Association, Omaha, NE.
Event volunteer, WeatherFest!. 2019. School of Natural Resources, Lincoln, NE.
Club leader, Garden Gang (after school nature club). 2013. UNL Environmental Studies Program and Lincoln Public Schools, Lincoln, NE.
Event volunteer, Family Nature Nights. 2013. Lower Platte South Natural Resources District, Lincoln, NE.
Interpretive docent. 2012. Lincoln Children’s Zoo, Lincoln, NE.
Event volunteer, NaturePalooza!. 2012. School of Natural Resources, Lincoln, NE.

Society memberships

Scaphirhynchus Society
BirdLife Australia
International Society for Behavioral Ecology
Ecological Society of Australia

Adjunct roles

Junior ranger. 2021. Zion National Park, UT.
Junior ranger. 2019. Denali National Park & Preserve, AK.
Junior ranger. 2003. Grand Canyon National Park, AZ.

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